Guest Post: Nils Noren Holiday Cocktail Recipe

The smell of glögg (Swedish mulled wine) is the smell of holidays for me. Growing up, when you first smelled glögg you knew the holidays and being off from school was close. I make this recipe the beginning of every December, and force everyone that comes to my house to drink it. It usually doesn't take that much convincing, the smell kind of sells it better than anything else. You can also make a non-alcoholic version with non-alcoholic wine. Of course leave out the vodka and fortified wine, just make it up with more of the non-alcoholic wine. For a twist, use bourbon instead of vodka. Also if I have any left after December, which I usually don't for obvious reasons (as in it tastes really good and hard to resist), I keep it in the fridge and serve it on the rocks with an orange twist on a warm summer day.

2 cinnamon sticks, broken into pieces

1 teaspoon cardamom pods

2 inch thinly sliced ginger
2 fresh bay leaves
zest of 1/2 orange

8 whole cloves 

1/4 cup vodka

750-ml bottle dry red wine

1 cup ruby port or Madeira

1 cup sugar

Heat all the ingredients except the vodka slowly and bring to a simmer, turn off the heat and add the vodka, let sit over night. Strain, warm up and serve with raisins and blanched almonds.

By Nils Noren 
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